Message from the Head of School

Welcome to the Yeshivat Noam Website,
Our website is designed to serve as a resource for parents, students, faculty, prospective parents and guests. Learn about our challenging academic program, high standardized test scores and our honors courses in various subjects. Browse through the website to get a feel for the warm, loving atmosphere at Yeshivat Noam or the way that our students learn about Derech Eretz and participate in meaningful Chesed programs. Explore our exciting and dynamic curriculum in both Judaic and General studies and find out how we incorporate 21st century technology based learning and how we differentiate our instruction to enrich and support students on all levels. Read about our extracurricular activities, over twenty five enrichment programs, sports leagues and more.
Be sure to also view our picture gallery and video archive. See our students working on experiments in our state of the art science lab, using our over 500 iPads and Chromebooks and participating in online learning, flipped classrooms and distance learning.
At the core of Yeshivat Noam is our Mission Statement. Highlighted by our Six Guiding Principles, Yeshivat Noam is a mission-driven school. Click on the Mission Statement button to learn more about our mission and how we live it in every aspect of the school.
I hope that our beautiful website provides you with much useful information, but please do not substitute it for the personal interaction that we value so much. I welcome you to call me directly with any questions or even more importantly to visit the school and see the words and pictures on your screen come to life.
Thank you for the virtual visit,
Rabbi Chaim Hagler
Head of School